Thomas F. Pearce


I am Thomas Pearce.

I am a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer.

I help snowboarders 🏂 live a healthier life so that they can stay on the mountain longer!

It took me a long time to realize that I can use my knowledge towards something that I’m passionate about.

We all know that getting injured from snowboarding is going to happen. I want to make it so that their is less of a chance that it happens, and if it does happen I want you to be prepared for a quick recovery. As I want to prepare your body via healthy lifestyle habits like snowboard specific exercises, guidance on healthy eating habits before your next accident.

Another part of my coaching that I do is help snowboarders lose weight BEFORE the season, along woth anyone who thinks their too big to board! As we all know weight issues can cause problems in so many ways. Snowboarding is the most enjoyable activity sport ever! So I want everyone to at least have their health in control so that they can board.
If you are interested in learning more about how to be able to snowboard longer. You can sign up for a FREE 30 Minute Discovery Call, so we can see what WE can get ready for the season! NO BS!!

SIGN UP HERE for your NO BS Call!

Let anyone else know that may have weight issues who are already snowboarding, or who wants to snowboard but think they are too big, or any snowboarder who wants to board longer!

Thank You! 🙂

Facebook: Thomas F Pearce Health Coaching IG: snowboardhealthcoach

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